


I visited coming-of-age ceremony hall in Iwanuma city, for Entabi

I received so much energy from young people who are so pure and cheerful

I felt hope of the future for this town

Do your best young people

I ate “Kaki-meshi” (oyster rice) at “Chitose” during the location

Look how big the oyster is It was so delicious

and then..

Miso cooked oyster

So delicious

I felt like I’m young too, involving with young people.LOL

This is “Thousand Years Hill of Hope” built by Sendai Airport

The base of this hill was built with rubble

It is 10m tall in case of emergency

People who resurrected powerful Shiosai Taiko

I cried because I felt their strong feeling

I tried taiko which I hadn’t touched for a while

I’ve harvested so many things, but it was my first time harvesting hakusai  I didn’t know it takes such a long time and labor

Inomata-san is a musician who made Hakusai Song

It was such a cute song which made me so happy

Thank you Inomata-san, for also showing me around

I’m going so sing for people in Iwanuma, to show my thanks I will do my best to have them to feel happy

It will be broadcasted on February 18th

Diamondo Blog イチオシ芸能ニュースもっと見る




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Sachiko Kobayashi
Date of Birth:5 December
Place of Birth:Niigata

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